
April 20, 2021

Fighting birds in motion

How to win a bidding war

Talk to any real estate agent today, and nearly all will tell you they’ve never been busier. Even with mortgage rates having gradually inched higher since the beginning of the year, and home prices continuing to climb as well, buyers have not been deterred. And now, the country seems to be itching with a spring homebuying fever.

Unfortunately for buyers, that means the competition stands to get heated this year. Bidding wars have already surged in recent weeks, and don’t show signs of slowing.

How to win a bidding war Read More »

California, long winding road

Hidden gems you should visit this Spring

Last year at this time, California blogger and vlogger Josh McNair was getting nervous. He had poured nearly a decade of time and energy into his travel website, California Through My Lens, along with its accompanying YouTube channel. And five years before, those successful ventures had allowed him to leave his e-commerce day job. But around the same time the pandemic was closing all things travel, McNair and his wife Amie learned they were having twins.

He held on tight, went hiking when and where possible, and created a lot of new content about outdoors adventures near his home in Riverside. McNair’s son Jack and daughter Sunny were born in August, and as Californians have gotten back on the road this year, the demand for his travel expertise, and beautiful photographs and videos has come back in full force.

Hidden gems you should visit this Spring Read More »

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